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More than 300 million people around the world suffer from asthma. You probably know someone who does. You may have even heard them say they have “asthmas attacks.” What happens during an asthma attack?

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Science and a breakthrough vaccine conquered a virus that had sickened humans for thousands of years. It killed billions of people. Now smallpox is no longer a threat. In the year 1022, a Buddhist monk used a practice called variolation to immunize people against the virus. Still, it took 700 more years to develop a […]

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Did you know that people have different types of blood from one another? This is why you can’t donate blood to any other person. It’s also why blood donation is a lot trickier than you might think. Giving the wrong type to a person can cause their immune system to start fighting off the donation.

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In early 2020, the COVID-19 novel coronavirus was declared a pandemic. We know when a pandemic starts: it’s when a new virus is found all over the world. But when does one end? Find out in this short video. Because it’s a video from the summer of 2020, we already know how some of the […]

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